Joel has pastored Terrace CRC since 2003 with the loving support of his wife, Ella and three children. He enjoys engaging God’s world through skiing, boatbuilding, running, hockey and a variety of outdoor adventures. Read more
Sharon has lived in Terrace for 28 years, serving in various volunteer and leadership roles in our church and wider community. But she hasn’t always called these mountains home, her younger years were spent in the farmlands of southwestern Ontario. Read more.
Meghan started working at Terrace CRC in January 2020, only a few short months after moving to the community with her husband, Jakob and one-year-old son. When she’s not sitting behind a computer screen, Meghan enjoys hiking, rock climbing, gardening, board games, crafting, and writing. Read more.
What do Deacons do?
Deacons care for the physical needs of our church and community. In both word and deed, deacons act as Jesus’ hands and feet by showing mercy and compassion to all. At our church, Deacons take on the following tasks throughout the year:
- Visit members in need
- Deliver fruit baskets to the church seniors at Christmas
- Prepare the elements for communion
- Coordinate the Seniors Spring Tea
- Prepare the monthly Deacons Corner newsletter
- Set the collection schedule
- Prepare yearly church budgets, yearend tax receipts and organize pledge giving forms
- Liaise with the church treasurer
- Oversee the collection of weekly offerings.
What do Elders do?
Elders care for the spiritual needs of our church and community. They are wise counselors who lead with a spirit of compassion and empathy. They seek to equip believers so they may grow in faith, develop disciplined Christian living, serve others in selfless love and share with all the good news of salvation.
- Support the pastor in ministry
- Visit church members to provide spiritual care and encouragement
- Oversee the various ministries of our church
- Exercise pastoral care by serving others with the gift of time and attention
- Respond to opportunities to minister as they arise
- Meet with Pastor for prayer prior to worship
- Help serve communion
- Participate and promote evangelism and outreach
- Pray for God’s people