Every Thursday morning at 6:30 am.
- Gathering and appointing a leader for the morning
- Reading and discussing passages from both the Old and New Testament
- Sharing and listening to each other’s prayer requests
- Praying for one another
- Reconvening at McDonalds for breakfast and more fellowship
Our group began more than a decade ago when a few men decided that we wanted to prioritize praying for our pastor. So we began to gather. Most of the group was working full-time, so we set the start time for 6:30 am. It doesn’t matter if you’re a natural morning person or a resentful early-riser, getting up early to pray together is always worth it.
All prayer requests are heard and kept confidential. Together we bring our personal concerns, prayers for local church needs, or blessings for the broader community. On some occasions, we’ve even prayed for more snow!
We welcome all men to join us, whether you’re working or retired, a student or a teacher, a father or a grand-father, a newcomer or a life-long member. Hope to see you there!